
Please fill out this form to let us know which training solution you would be interested in.

The information requested by this form is recorded in an electronic file by William Duluc in order
to edit the various documents relating to the training followed and to improve the quality of the training
service. They are kept for 5 years and are intended to keep the history of the training courses followed.
In accordance with the laws "informatique & Liberté" and "RGPD" you can exercise your rights of access
or rectification or opposition to data, by contacting:

Training Course:
Training Session Details:
Contact information:

Please include country code.

Preliminary questionnaire and training expectations:

How would you rate your knowledge in terms of embedded systems development?

How would you rate your knowledge of AMD (previously Xilinx)?

How would you rate your level of hardware development about ...

How would you rate your level of software development about ...

If possible, please indicate the component families already in use

In your development work, what subjects would you like to master better?

Do you think the course you've chosen is right for you?

If NO, please specify

Would you like to provide additional information that you feel is relevant to your request?

Are you in a handicap situation?

If YES, would you like to give us any information on this subject that could help us adapt our training to your disability?

Sending the request and consent:

Once we have received your form, our trainer will contact you for a telephone interview (at the number you have provided)
to analyze and validate your expectations.