Founded in March 2009, MVD Training is a company specialized in training on AMD (previously Xilinx) high-tech electronic products: development software, embedded systems, FPGAs components...
Today, MVD Training provides advanced training, expert services and quality consulting throughout France, with the main objective of total customer satisfaction.
We have been collaborating since 1989 with Xilinx, the world leader in "fully programmable FPGAs", and we have continued this partnership since AMD acquired Xilinx in 2022.
MVD Training is official AMD Xilinx Authorized Training Provider (ATP) the official AMD Xilinx Training Partner for France.
MVD Training on AMD's website.
MVD Training has opted for distance learning for its entire catalog.
Only the Intra trainings can be carried out on the company's premises.
Course of our distance learning courses :
A few days before the training, the participant receives by email :
• the invitation and the program including the objectives, the pedagogical methods and the methods for monitoring and assessing the results
• the connection link to the videoconferencing system
• the link to download the course material in PDF format
• Software and hardware configurations for practical work
At the specified time, the participants connect to the videoconference system:
Introduction of the trainer, followed by the presentation of the participants and the training agenda.
The course follows the program: projection of slides commented and explained by the trainer, punctuated by questions asked to the participants to evaluate their understanding.
Participants can interact with the trainer and all participants by asking questions or suggesting thoughts, either verbally or through the dialogue interface built into the video conferencing system.
The trainer performs demonstrations using the hardware and software tools of the training subject. The participants are then invited to reproduce them. Thanks to the videoconference system, they share their screen, allowing the trainer to evaluate their progress, and eventually help and guide them when they encounter difficulties.
At the end of the service, the participants fill out a satisfaction form to note the quality of the service and to suggest reflections or improvements.
A certificate of training is given, indicating: the subject, the dates and the list of objectives achieved.
Some figures on our activity (from 2018 to 2023)
MVD Training has trained an average of 250 trainees per year, or 900 hours of training.
During the 4th Quarter of 2023:
• we trained 39 people
• the average score for overall satisfaction is 9,1 / 10
• 100% of our trainees have achieved their objectives.
MVD Training has received various awards from AMD (Xilinx) :
Best Authorized Training Provider (Europe, Middle East, India, Africa Zone): 2017
Best Trainer for "William DULUC": 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Services & Fields of expertise
Training Our trainers, in addition to their teaching skills, are also experienced designers who know the constraints and concerns of development.
Technical Expertise is offered to companies who seek a quick solution to a specific problem and lack of time for a learning process through training.
Consulting finally, allows supporting clients when launching or managing new projects for the choice of technologies as well as hardware and software architectures.
Whatever your consulting, training or expertise needs in embedded electronics, MVD Training team will respond appropriately. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will help you with your project, your team or yourself.